Cooroy Lower Mill Site: Boiler House and Kilns
Lower Mill Road, Cooroy
The Cooroy Lower Mill Site Kiln was built in the late 1950s as a joint venture between Straker and Sons Pty Ltd, the owners of the timber mill on the site, and J Wilkinson and Sons Pty Ltd, local saw millers. It is notable as being the only known example of a timber drying kiln in the Sunshine Coast region and for being in a highly intact condition.
The kiln represents the post-World War II trend to streamline operations and acquire technology to remain competitive in the industry. The kiln enabled faster seasoning of hardwood timbers, allowing the mill to increase productivity and expand its markets. The kiln was heated with steam generated from the adjacent boiler, which was fuelled with waste from the sawmill. It remained in operation until 2000 when the mill was closed as part of the Regional Forests Agreement for South East Queensland.
In 2009, the kiln and boiler house underwent restoration and redevelopment as a visitor interpretive centre as part of the development of the Cooroy Lower Mill Precinct. The kilns also serve as a workshop for local woodworkers.